[English below]
El mar atrae a muchos por mantener ese estado primitivo, inhóspito para el ser humano, por sus tesoros y lugares aún por explorar; por la calma y la sensación de libertad que proporciona ver una masa de agua que se extiende hasta el horizonte. Y es que el mar no tiene esquinas - nadie puede dividir océanos ni levantar en ellos muros para separar países - ni dueños, entre comillas. Ya que las fronteras, aunque menos definidas que en tierra, también existen en el mar. Mientras que en aguas internacionales sigue existiendo cierta permisividad, las aguas cercanas a costa están más reguladas. Los primeros 22.2 km desde la línea de costa (12 millas) pertenecen al país adyacente, siendo como una prolongación de su territorio y por lo tanto se siguen sus normas. Si solapan las áreas marítimas de dos países a cada uno le corresponde una parte equidistante respecto de sus fronteras en tierra.
El mar atrae a muchos por mantener ese estado primitivo, inhóspito para el ser humano, por sus tesoros y lugares aún por explorar; por la calma y la sensación de libertad que proporciona ver una masa de agua que se extiende hasta el horizonte. Y es que el mar no tiene esquinas - nadie puede dividir océanos ni levantar en ellos muros para separar países - ni dueños, entre comillas. Ya que las fronteras, aunque menos definidas que en tierra, también existen en el mar. Mientras que en aguas internacionales sigue existiendo cierta permisividad, las aguas cercanas a costa están más reguladas. Los primeros 22.2 km desde la línea de costa (12 millas) pertenecen al país adyacente, siendo como una prolongación de su territorio y por lo tanto se siguen sus normas. Si solapan las áreas marítimas de dos países a cada uno le corresponde una parte equidistante respecto de sus fronteras en tierra.
Zonas Económicas Exclusivas del mundo (Donutholes.ch) |
Para llevar esto a cabo
se debe tener un sólido conocimiento del medio. Así, a bordo se toman datos cartográficos:
posición, batimetría; geofísicos: caracterización del suelo y subsuelo
oceánico, geomorfología, tectónica, anomalías gravimétricas y del campo
magnético, e hidrográficos: estudio de las masas de agua. Además se mide la
concentracion de clorofila y la concentración de dióxido de carbono, el
gas de efecto invernadero más famoso.
The ocean is an environment that atracts many for maintaining a perpetuated primitive state, inhospitable for the human being; for its treasures and domains to be discovered; for its calm and the feeling of freedom caused by the mere observation of a mass of water that extents to the horizon. The ocean has no corners - no one can divide it nor erect walls within it in order to separate countries. It has no owners (per se) either. Although borders also exists in the ocean as well as on land, even if they are more dreamily defined. While there is still some permissiveness in international waters, those closer to the shoreline are more regulated. The first 22.2 km from the coastline off shore (12 miles) normally belongs to the neighbouring country and it is reagarded as a prolongation of its territory. In the case of the maritime areas of two different countries being overlaped each one of them has the right to exploit an equidistant from the border on land of the country in question.
The first 370 km (200 miles) off shore make up the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ, ZEE in Spanish). This is portion of sea that each country has the right to explore, exploit, conserve and manage in order to assure its environmental well being. Moreover, there is the possibility of a country to claim the expansion of continenatl shelf up to 648 km (350 miles), needing to come to agreements with adjacent countries in case of any kind of conflict. This is in fact what is happening in the Arctic with the northen countries, who are constantly entering into dispute about the resources that are now available as a consequence of the ice cap melting. In the case of Spain, there has been claims on the Cantabric, Galician and Canarian margins after conducting surveys as the one that we are on now. This meant an expansion of the Spanish maritime domains, which can be regarded as a modern colonization.
The first 370 km (200 miles) off shore make up the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ, ZEE in Spanish). This is portion of sea that each country has the right to explore, exploit, conserve and manage in order to assure its environmental well being. Moreover, there is the possibility of a country to claim the expansion of continenatl shelf up to 648 km (350 miles), needing to come to agreements with adjacent countries in case of any kind of conflict. This is in fact what is happening in the Arctic with the northen countries, who are constantly entering into dispute about the resources that are now available as a consequence of the ice cap melting. In the case of Spain, there has been claims on the Cantabric, Galician and Canarian margins after conducting surveys as the one that we are on now. This meant an expansion of the Spanish maritime domains, which can be regarded as a modern colonization.
In order to carry out this sharing out a broad knowledge about these domains is required. This is the reason why cartographic data is collected on board: position, bathymetry; geophysics: oceanic soil and (subsoil) caracterization, geomorphology, tectonics, gravimetric and magnetic anomalies and hidrographics (water mass studies). Primary production measurements are carried out, as well as those for the most famous greenhouse effect gas : carbon dioxide.
In a nutshell, this is what the ZEE survey has been all about since 2001. In he present cruise Balearic Waters are being surveyed for the second time. This time the survey covers the northern and eastern region of these waters. And here we are, about 20 scientists and technicians from many different institutions: the Royal Institute and Observatory of the Spanish Navy (ROA), Marine Technology Unit (UTM), the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain (IGME), the Complutense University of Madrid, the University of Cádiz and the University of Granada. But this vessel could not function without the outstanding work of the militar crew, which consists of about 50 people. All of us conform a team that work together for the same mission: to discover what lays below the ocean, at around 3000 meters beneath our feet.
In a nutshell, this is what the ZEE survey has been all about since 2001. In he present cruise Balearic Waters are being surveyed for the second time. This time the survey covers the northern and eastern region of these waters. And here we are, about 20 scientists and technicians from many different institutions: the Royal Institute and Observatory of the Spanish Navy (ROA), Marine Technology Unit (UTM), the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain (IGME), the Complutense University of Madrid, the University of Cádiz and the University of Granada. But this vessel could not function without the outstanding work of the militar crew, which consists of about 50 people. All of us conform a team that work together for the same mission: to discover what lays below the ocean, at around 3000 meters beneath our feet.
Creo que las ampliaciones que se están solicitando a la ONU sobre los derechos de explotación se refieren a la plataforma continental y por tanto a los posibles recursos minerales que puedan contener aquellas zonas del suelo marino que se prolongan desde la plataforma reconocida hasta el momento.
ResponderEliminarBuenas Braulio! En efecto, la ampliación es de la plataforma continental que, hasta donde sé, su principal diferencia con la ZEE es que el Estado pierde soberanía sobre los recursos de la columna de agua. La ZEE tiene un límite fijo de hasta 200 millas.
EliminarHe reescrito parte del párrafo para que quede más claro. Gracias por el comentario!